Dependable GPT-4, ChatGPT, and AI Detection Service by GPTChecker

GPTChecker: The Foremost in Advanced, Trustworthy Chat GPT, GPT4 & AI Content Identification

Simple and Credible Open AI and Bard detector tool for Free

AI generated content

Is this content AI generated?

If you want to download the images you generated with DALL·E, you might be wondering how to do it in bulk. Unfortunately, there is no option to download multiple images at once from the website. However, you can still download your images individually by following these steps: Click on the image you want to save. This will open the image in a larger view, with some options to edit it, share it, or create variations. To download the image, simply click on the download icon in the top right corner of the image. This looks like a downward arrow with a horizontal line under it.


None AI generated content

Is this content AI generated?

Welcome, and thanks for your support GasbyAI is an AI-powered chatbot that allows you to get questions in different areas and industries. GasbyAI relies on an API Service to run. You can connect to OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, Gasby OpenAI, Claude, OpenRouter, or customized service API. Please note that you don't need a ChatGPT account to run GasbyAI. To get started, make sure you have connected to your API service. GasbyAI is under active development. Updates are announced bi-weekly on Discord, and available on our changelog. In case you have any questions or feedback, please drop a message on Gasby's Discord channel, or email hieunc(at)


Frequently Asked

How does GPTChecker work?

Begin by inputting your text in the provided space and pressing the “Detect Text” button. GPTChecker will then initiate a comprehensive analysis using an array of sophisticated, deep algorithms crafted by our team. These algorithms are not only the product of our internal experimentation but also supported by well-regarded published research. The outcome will be presented as follows: - Identified as human-written text
- Identified as AI/GPT-generated text
- Predominantly AI/GPT-generated text
- Likely AI/GPT-generated text
- Probable AI/GPT generation
- Mixed indicators, with AI/GPT contributions
- Likely human-written, with possible AI/GPT elements
- Most likely human-written, may contain AI/GPT elements
- Predominantly human-written text
Additionally, for a more nuanced insight, a gauge indicating the percentage of text possibly plagiarized by AI/GPT will be displayed.

How Accurate is GPTChecker?

Through the analysis of over 10 million articles and texts, a mix of AI-generated and human-written content, we have refined the GPTChecker algorithm to achieve a text detection accuracy rate of up to 97%. This precision is made possible by our DeepAnalyse™ Technology, which is designed to pinpoint the source of your text. We are continuously conducting research to enhance our tool. Our goal is to expand our analysis to even more articles and texts, ultimately reducing the error rate to less than 3%.

Who Benefits from GPTChecker's AI content detector?

Students, teachers, educators, writers, employees, freelancers, copywriters and everyone on earth may find GPTChecker a very useful solution to detect AI output text.

Does GPTChecker work with different languages?

GPTChecker has a worldwide usage with multilingual users. It detects AI text output in all the available languages.

Is My Text Secure and Private with GPTChecker?

User privacy is our utmost priority at GPTChecker. Rest assured, when you use our service to check your text, it remains completely confidential. We guarantee that your text will not be stored, shared, or made available online. Furthermore, we do not use your text for training our AI detection models, ensuring your content's privacy and security.

How can i integrating GPTChecker in my Organization or Website in large scale?

API coming soon, please contact us for more information.